How Well Do You Know Your Own Music Collection? - i cop blog


How Well Do You Know Your Own Music Collection?

The other day, I volunteered to pick up some friends from the airport. Their luggage was lost on the tarmac, so I was on hold in the Cell Phone Waiting Lot for over an hour. Not a problem, because I had my 6th-generation iPod classic with me, and it features the coolest game ever: iQuiz, which comes pre-loaded on every 6th-generation iPod classic. I'm a music fanatic (1,200 CDs and 5,500 MP3s), and I keep my iTunes in pristine condition--not just song title, artist, and album, but also composer, lyrics, year, genre, track number, album cover, my rating, and any other information I have about the song. (If I could find a way to determine BPM on songs, I'd include that, too.) So, iQuiz is the best because it's a simulated game show, where I'm the only contestant, and the topic is my music. (I can also play iQuiz with TV and movies, but I haven't even ventured there--yet.) Most of the questions are multiple choice and true/false, but the Lightning Rounds focus on similarities--years, artists, genres, and the like. The game is a ton of fun, and it really encourages OCD-like organization of your music collection. It's just one more fantastic reason to own an iPod. Heck, I was having so much fun, I let the kids wait an extra 5 minutes at Baggage Claim so that I could finish my game. High score: 14,531. What's yours?


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